Michelle Driscoll
Contact Person: Michelle Driscoll
Clinic Name: Michelle Driscoll Craniosacral and Massage Therapy
Street: 49 Jardine Street, Kingston
City: Canberra
State/County: ACT
Postcode: 2604
Country: Australia
Website: Website Title or URL
Business Days:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Location Map:
Clinic Hours : Mon-Thur 9.30am - 6pm Fri 9.30am - 5pm
Charges: Adults $90 Children $60
Other Modalities : Remedial Massage Therapy Cupping Therapy
Background : Michelle has a background in Remedial Massage therapy, and trained in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in 2003 with Paul Vick’s Resonance Training in Australia. She has also completed a number of post graduate trainings with Paul Vick, Michael Shea, Steve Haines and Ged Sumner. Prior to becoming a therapist, Michelle spent a number of years involved in different aspects of self-development courses. Initially her motivation was personal, but later she took on a mentoring and leadership role. It was here that she began her own journey in spiritual and emotional growth and development, and also discovered her passion for working with people and helping them find their way to heal and grow. Michelle is inspired by the profound nature of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, and the difference it makes in the lives of her clients. Michelle has been an executive committee member of PACT for many years, currently holding the position of Chairperson, and has been an Assistant Tutor on the Stillness Trainings Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy training.
Qualifications : Diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy - Resonance Trainings THE VISCERA - Paul Vick post graduate training THE HEART IN BIODYNAMIC PRACTICE - Michael Shea post graduate training FASCIA AND EMBODIMENT - Steve Haines post graduate training THE BRAIN IN DEPTH - Ged Sumner post graduate training Diploma of Remedial Massage Advanced Reiki Certificate Member of The Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists (PACT) Member of The Association of Massage Therapists Ltd (AMT)
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