Kaipara Physiotherapy
Contact Person: Lynne Butterworth
Clinic Name: Kaipara Physiotherapy
Kaipara Physiotherapy offers a very wholistic approach to treatment offering physiotherapy, acupuncture and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.
Street: Maungaturoto Medical Centre
Street 2: Hurndall Street
City: Maungaturoto
State/County: Northland
Postcode: 0520
Country: New Zealand
Phone - Landline:
Mobile: 0
Business Days:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Location Map:
Clinic Hours : Mon 8.30 - 5pm Tues 8.30- 1pm Thurs 8.30- 5pm Fri 8.30 - 5pm
Charges: Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy $75.00 initial session $65.00 follow up session $35.00 babies/toddlers
Length of Sessions : Adults 60 min babies/toddlers 30 min
Other Modalities : Physiotherapy or Acupuncture $35 for 30 min $70 for 60 min ACC subsidised $12session
Specialty Areas : Musculoskeletal injuries acute and chronic
Background : Background in 30 + years of physiotherapy with extensive experience in management of arthritis and chronic pain and other musculoskeletal injuries. 18 years experience in physiotherapy acupuncture
Qualifications : Diploma Physiotherapy (Otago)1988 post grad cert in Acupuncture 1999 Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy 2015
Located in: Practitioner Listings