Bria Ryder
Contact Person: Bria Ryder
Street: Fourth Avenue
City: Mount Lawley, Perth
State/County: Western Australia
Postcode: 6050
Country: Australia
Phone - Landline:
Business Days:
- Monday
- Wednesday
Location Map:
Clinic Hours : Mondays 10am - 7pm Wednesdays 12 - 7pm
Charges: Adults $90/hr Children $80/hr
Length of Sessions : 1 hour
Other Modalities : Physiotherapist Acupuncture Exercise/postural/movement retraining
Specialty Areas : I greatly enjoy general practice, and have experience working with: Pregnancy New mothers Babies and children Anxiety Pain including chronic pain Neurological conditions
Background : I have worked for over 15 years in healthcare as first a physiotherapist in a variety of clinical settings, gaining a multitude of skills in manual therapy, acupuncture, postural assessment, pilates, and movement retraining. My special interest in craniosacral therapy has broadened my scope of practice immensely, supporting each client's health and recovery in a much deeper way.
Qualifications : B.Sc.(Physiotherapy) 1999 Curtin University WA Diploma Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy CTET (Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust, London) 2012 Acupuncture Training for Physiotherapists, Acupuncture Training Solutions, London 2004
Located in: Practitioner Listings